Discover Life in Christ
Step One

Discovering LIFE in CHRIST is where it all begins! For this first step, we have compiled several resources to help you:
(a) begin your relationship with Jesus, (b) hear an encouraging testimony about finding life in Christ, and (c) learn more about the life that you have received in Jesus!
the Gospel
What is it? Who is it for?
The Gospel is the Good News that Jesus freely offers forgiveness and His new life to every person that believes in Him! If you believed in Christ for the first time recently, we would love to celebrate with you! Reach out and tell us about your decision to believe in Jesus!
Why do it? What's it all about?
Are you ready to take the step of baptism? If so, reach out to Pastor Jason to discuss this wonderful celebration of discovering LIFE in Christ!
Nancy Kirkpatrick
Hear how discovering LIFE in CHRIST changed Nancy, and how it can change you too! If you would like to share your story of discovering LIFE in Christ, reach out and let us know how God is working in and through your life!
Additional Resources
Now that you've discovered LIFE in CHRIST, what's next? Do you want to learn and grow in the knowledge of grace, but don't know where to start? We've got you covered! The resources below are some of the best books, podcasts, and websites available for diving deeper into the truths of life and grace found in Jesus!
Learn More in Our Growth Classes
We also have a class that has been specifically created to help you truly discover more about LIFE in CHRIST

Stay tuned for new class schedule in January 2023
Discover Life Sermon
Check out Pastor Jason's full sermon on Connecting Life With Others!
Ready for the Next Step?
Each resource page of our Next Steps is designed to help you as you follow the Holy Spirit's guidance. Are you ready for the Next Step?