Invest Life in the Body
Step Three

After you discover Life in Christ and Connect through life with others, the next step is to Invest Life in the Body! There are a myriad of ways that you can invest the resources that God has entrusted to you – find out more below. Are you ready to join the church? Ready to join a ministry team? Are you ready to invest your time, talent, and treasure? Check out some of the ways you can get invested today!
Invest by Joining the Church
We’re thrilled that you are considering Colonial Hills as your church family! Church membership is an important decision for you to make as you follow God's leading. To help you get to know our church better, we periodically offer a Discovery Lunch - where you are invited for a free meal with the pastors, staff, and their families. During this time, you can get to know us and learn more about our church family.
If you've already made the decision to make Colonial Hills your home, then we invite you to join our church during the "invitation time" at the end of our weekly worship services by coming forward and declaring your intention to join to the pastor. You can join in one of 3 ways: transferring membership from another Baptist church, a statement of faith/baptism, or through making a profession of faith and being baptized.
We would love to talk to you about your decision!
At Colonial Hills, we have numerous teams and ministries that you can invest in! Find the place that God is calling you to serve!
Invest Through Giving
As believers, our generosity isn’t motivated by compulsion or guilt but from joy! Your generous gifts and offerings are used by our church to help share the message of the Gospel and further Kingdom efforts in our community, our state, our nation, and across the globe!
If the Lord is moving you to give, click GIVING below!

Invest Through Prayer
One of the greatest ways you can invest in our church is through prayer. We know that God responds to our prayers, and we ask you to lift up our church’s vision/mission, unity, and individual needs/concerns. We also ask you to pray for our leadership team, our members, and lost people in our community.
You may also consider joining our Prayer Ministry Team
Invest Life Sermon
Check out Pastor Jason's full sermon on Investing Life in the Body!
Ready for the Next Step?
Each resource page of our Next Steps is designed to help you as you follow the Holy Spirit's guidance. Are you ready for the Next Step?